
Action After Stroke has been running since 2000, mainly thanks to the invaluable help of our team of volunteers.

If you're interested in volunteering with us, here are some of the basics you might want to know...

What will I do if I volunteer?

As a volunteer we will expect you to regularly commit to 1 session a week. This means only giving up 1 hour of your time to help someone that has had a stroke exercise. This could be as simple as encouraging them and chatting about your weeks or manually helping them on and off bits of equipment.

Some of our members need a little more help than others and might need additional assistance. If you're looking to gain work experience or are happy with a bit of a challenge, let us know and we'll pair you up where possible.

What opportunities are there for me?

By volunteering with us, you'll be able to add a range of skills to your CV. We also pay for our more dedicated volunteers to have Level 2 REPS training (volunteers are chosen based on attendance data and statements about why they should be awarded training). 

Beyond the benefits to future careers, AAS can be a welcome break from studying (and you can still count it as a productive activity!) We often see friendships developing between our volunteers and members and we encourage all of our volunteers to come along to our biannual meals.

What's the benefit to members?

For a £1 contribution, stroke survivors of varying levels of disability can come and exercise in a safe environment, as some of them may not felt comfortable working out in a regular gym.

The group also provides a friendly, social atmosphere where members have formed friendships over the years. Some of the individuals may be at risk of being isolated due to not being as mobile and less able to have social activities outside this group.

The members also enjoy talking to the students, seeing what they get up to and recounting what they were doing at our age!

How do I get started?

If you're interested in joining as a volunteer, please feel free to come along to one of our sessions and see what it's like to volunteer with us! Before turning up, please drop me an email at esv-actionafterstroke@groups.exeterguild.com so we know to expect you.

If you'd like to join us, please download the following documents:
and bring the quiz and application along with you to the next session. Furthermore, please make sure that you have...
  • Joined Exeter Student Volunteers
  • Got an up-to-date DBS check
And don't forget to get in touch if you have any questions at all.

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